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For centuries, Orientals have been fed with soybeans as the main source of protein. The meat was almost ignored and, at most, they consumed certain quantities of fish in the coastal areas. However, it should be noted that soy is not usually taken directly, but processed in the form of Tamari or soy sauce, as it contains a purine, trypsin, which is harmful to the body, but disappears during fermentation.

Nutritional qualities
Soy has 36% high quality proteins (more than any other vegetable or animal food), in addition to the eight essential amino acids. Soy-based food is low in calories, contain no cholesterol, or just the saturated fats so abundant in most animal meats.

If soy beans are taken directly, only a small portion of the proteins is assimilated. In contrast, through natural fermentation, soybeans undergo a total biochemical transformation, thanks to which all their complex molecules of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids (oils and fats) are converted into amino acids, simple sugars and fatty acids easily assimilated.

Mimasa offers a wide range of products based on fermented soybeans: 3 types of soy sauce, 4 misos, tofu and tempeh.